S. "For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was no wholly true to the Lord his God, as was the heart of David His father". (1 Kings 11: 4)
O. I think the real trouble that Solomon had was not with his wives, but with his heart. Truth be told, too many times we blame our sin or difficulties on someone else rather than accepting the conditions that we have opened up into our lives. We are surrounded by many negative influences in our culture...the bottom line is what we chose to do with them and how we will or will not allow them to be used for good or wrong. Let's use the internet as an example. This can be used for so much good. I have been able to network with friends, do valuable research and more by using the internet...but it would be easy to go to all the wrong sites and pollute my mind and my heart with evil and sin. I must guard my heart above all else...to keep it focused on the things of God. Jesus said that we where "to love the Lord with all our heart, soul mind and strength. " It is my responsibility to guard my heart and mind...to keep them pure and full of the Lord.
A. I want to keep my daily devotions going. I think the key to my heart lies in my relationship with Jesus Christ. I must also surround myself with people who hold me accountable to my life.
P. "Lord, guard my heart as I serve you daily. Guard the hearts of my family as well...that we might experience the joy and peace of your blessings in this life."
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