Monday, March 15, 2010

Blessing Upon Blessing

S. "If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth." (Deuteronomy 28: 1, NIV)

O. This promise is so true in my life. I have been so blessed in my life. I have tried to live fully for the Lord, although I would be the first to say that there have been and are times with I fall short of this goal. I am only human…but I strive to give my life to the Lord every day. I strive to live within God's commands for my life and live for him in all that I do and say. And even in spite of my failures and in view of God's power and forgiveness, He accepts my offerings.

I really have been blessed in my life. I have not just sought the blessing of God, but have received in His blessing in more ways than I can ever imagine. Family, friends, a house, food, clothing, a ministry to serve the Lord in, health, strength, hope and more. I look around and I see that I am blessed more than I deserve. I AM BLESSED!!

A. I continue to be amazed at all the God is doing in my life. Today, I will seek the face of God, live for him and serve him in every way that I can.

P. Thank you for all the provisions and blessings you have given to me. I love you Lord, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. When I read this post, I remembered a familiar scripture from John 1:16... From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.

    Because Christ's death on the cross covered our sins once and for all, we can be in a right relationship with God and receive blessings from him.

    However, I couldn't help but notice that the Deuteronomy verse says that blessing comes as a result of obedience. I think that's still true in the NT. We have a righteous God who doesn't bless sin. But when we confess our sin and move forward in obedience, we put ourselves in the position to receive all God has for us. I think he wants so much to bless us if we'll only hold up our end of the relationship.
