Wednesday, June 9, 2010


S. "If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed by skill will bring success." Ecclesiastes 10: 10

O. I like the verse…but the truth is it reminds me of myself. I think that many times I am like a dull ax…trying to do something in my ministry or life with not all that is needed. I can wear myself out very easily trying to make up for the disadvantages of the lack of right equipment or attitude in my life. This is so try of the church. There are times that we spend too much energy on things because we don't look at the best possible way to doing ministry. We with an dull ax blade and it requires more time and effect and resources than are necessary. So what is the answer?

First, we must sharpen our blades…learn the most effective way of training and planning…understanding what equipment will make the ministry the best. If I know that I have a big ministry opportunity…take time getting ready, making your life and offering to God the best that it can be. Second, we must position ourselves for success. If we are in the middle of ministry opportunities and find that we need to retool and refocus our efforts…than do so. Just because we had success in an area one time does not mean that it will be successful in the future. Every tree…every opportunity is unique and we need to approach it is such a way to bring success.

A. I know that God wants me to give my all and I have been making a point to give all to God. As I write these words, I find myself kind of dull in a couple of areas in my life…I need to sit down and consider how I can approach the future and be best prepared for the work God has for me.

P. Lord, you and the potter and I am the clay…you are the grinder and I am the ax head…tool me for your purpose and for your glory. Amen.

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