Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Physical and Spiritual Provision
O. These verse have always been very meaningful to me. They speak of God's provision in life...provision of our needs (and not necessarily our wants!). God has a divine plan for every aspect of his creation...every plant, animal and every human being...including me. This just blows my mind that the God of the universe has such a deep love and caring for me.
And for me it also goes beyond physical provision. I know for a fact that my God has ordained every day of my life. He has planned out every victory and joy...every movement of my life...every difficulty...everything has been planned by God (see Psalm 139).
If all is this true, than the gospel writer is so true in saying "who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (vs. 25). I have heard it said that worry is mediation on the things in life that we are troubled we just need to change the focus of our mediation! We need to mediate on the goodness of our God and the promise of his provision both physically and spiritual to live our life to the fullest.
A. So the reality is that every day is a day that God has placed before me to live for His glory. I need to spend time everyday mediating on the goodness and grace our my God and allow my mind to dwell on who He is!
P. Lord, you have given me so much in this life. Please help me to not put my trust in man, but in your truth. I give this day to you, and as you have provide ALL my needs, I live this day in full trust of who you are in my life. I love you. Amen
Monday, September 27, 2010
Getting It
O. This verse just jumped out at me this morning. I guess what really struck me was that God was pleased to reveal himself to the seeming lowest in society...the children. He was speaking about his disciples who had just returned from being on mission...They report all that God had done through them while they were out and then Jesus...the second person of the trinity speaks through the fullness of the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit, tells his joy over the little children understanding who he was...they were "getting it"! I am humbled by the fact that God chooses people like me use for his kingdom. I am floored when I "get it" and God's plan and purpose for my life is very clear. I love when others around me "get it" and move forward in the strength and peace of God as they walk through their lives. What joy is part of my life when this happens!
A. Lord, today, would you make your purpose and plan very clear to me? It is my desire to live in such a way that I fully understand what God is calling me to do and fully understanding how he has prepared me for his work.
P. Lord, I pray that my life and obedience to your will be bring your joy. May my life be a fragrant offering to you today and everyday. I love you, Lord. Amen
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Ever Present God
O. There will never be a time with our God is NOT to be praised. I think if I am like most people, there are times with I when I an upset or distracted from the truth of who God is. There are occasions when I am so distraught over what turn out to be trivial matters that I don't see the purpose and plans of God in my life. This scripture tells me that the name of our God is to be praise both now (in my present circumstance) and forevermore (whatever will come!).
This scripture also tells me that there is not amount of time or no limit to the physical presence of God. He is everywhere...all the time and in everything we do. This was most recently a proven face in my travels overseas. God reminded me of his presence in the people of is a mighty God and is worthy of all praise.
A. Today, it is my prayer that I will see the goodness of God in such a way that I will offer Him praise at all times and in all circumstances. No matter what comes my way...I will give God all praise.
P. Thank you Father for your unending love and presence in my life. Thank you that You are everywhere and in all plans and purposes of my life. I give you all praise in my life today! Amen
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Seeing Jesus for Who He Is.
O. When we see God for who He really is...we are humbled beyond human understanding. I love this story about Jesus. Simon Peter and his friends had been fishing all night and caught nothing. They were tired and ready for a break, but Jesus tells them to try one more time. They do and there is abundant catch! Then the realization comes...this is Jesus, and Peter falls at Jesus' feet. Here is way really hits home for me in this passage. When we see Jesus in all his glory, when we experience his greatness and splendor in our lives. When we see him as the Son of God...that is when we begin to see our lives in comparison to His. When we truly can see this...we are placed in a position of seeing our sinfulness and selfishness. The truth of who are are (a sinful person in need of a savior) becomes very clear to us and we find ourselves falling at the feet of Jesus...humbled and knowing that he is the only hope that we have.
A. So today, I begin my way with a clear understanding of the glory and majesty of my God and in so doing I am humbled beyond measure. I don't deserve this...and I know that I can't earn my forgiveness either. Thank you Lord for being the ultimate sacrifice for my sins...and for making a way for me into the future and eternity.
P. Lord, You are great...good...holy...just...loving...and all forgiving. I don't deserve your love, but you give it freely. I accept your gift today and ask the as I walk through this day that you will be my constant guide. Be my words, hands, feet...everything. Amen.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Traveling in Russia

On Saturday, we will be leading a training event and they Saturday evening and Sunday Morning I will be participating in the celebration of Hope Church’s 10th Anniversary. (Pastor Pavel Jirov is in the picture with me)!
Pray for safe travel in the air and on the ground. Pray for healthy relationships between the pastor and leaders of church ministries in the Ryazan Oblast. Pray for an out pouring of the Holy Spirit today and everyday with in Russia.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Our Best Guide
O. This is such a simple truth, but one that sometimes leaves our minds. God is unchanging in a changing world, in changing relationship and in changing experiences that are all around us. He will never remove Himself from the experiences of our lives and will always be present to offer his love and grace and direction. That is the other truth I love about this verse. God will be our guide to the end. Something interesting about following a have to trust that they know the must submit to their understanding of a situation and follow there every must listen carefully to the way they lay out. With God as our guide, we are assured of one who knows our life and has our best intentions in might. The Psalmist tells us that God ordained everyday of our lives before we were born (see Psalm 139). I love that truth, because that means that we have one who is our best who will always have our best interest in mind.
A. Today is a day to live with the guidance of God leading our every step. It is a simply step of surrender to God's BEST plan for my life.
P. Loving God, I surrender my steps, my relationship, my ministry to you today and ask that I will be in line with Your will and way for my life today. Thank you for leading me. Amen
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Power in the Blood
S. “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” (Revelation 12: 11)
O. I am just struck on the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. In this particular scene, there is war in heaven between Michael and his angels and the dragon and his angels and Michael won the battle and hurled the dragon to the earth (see vs. 1-10). The dragon represents the devil, Satan and his is defeated by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. He was also overcome by the word of their testimony…the power of what God had already done and will continue to do you our lives.
Here is my point. If the blood of Jesus Christ and defeat Satan, they how much more should we believe that the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse our sin and make us new in Him. Jesus Christ has power to change our lives for eternity! The issue for me is that I don’t always rely on that power in my life.
The last part of this verse speaks of their commitment. They would not back down as they life theirs lives for Christ and with His power…they did not love their lives..they were more concerned with living with the power of Christ…a victorious, full and transformed life.
A. There are too many times when I don’t live a victorious life in Christ. I tend to rely on my own strength and not allow his strength to be my sources of life. So, I guess the best application for me is to completely open my heart and life to the transforming power of Jesus Christ.
P. “Lord, thank you for dying on the cross…for shedding your blood for me…that I might have life…abundant and full life here on this earth and for eternity. Amen.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
God...My Strength
S. “But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, “Let God be exalted!” Yet I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay.” (Psalms 70:4-5, NIV)
O. There is a place in our hearts to rejoice in the goodness of God. There is a place in our hearts for God to be exalted in every aspect of our lives. And even in a place of rejoicing and loving God and basking in His glory…there are still times I feel that I don’t deserve God’s love and presence and times that I need Him to pick me up and hold me…
I think when I stand in the presence of God’s goodness, it makes my life seem so small and insignificant. It also reminds me of my humanness and the struggles I have daily to love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. The prayer at the end of this Psalm says it all for me. “Come quickly to me, O God…” and do what only you can do in my life. I have tried too long in my own strength…I just need all that God has to offer for me.
A. Over the past couple of years, I know that I have been trying too much in my own strength to “fix” things in my life. When I run out of my strength I am at a dead end…I can’t do anything else…but with God’s strength I can do more than I could ever imagine. He completes me and sustains me in everyway…so, I just need to rest in Jesus!
P. Lord, I am weak and you are strong. I come to you in need of your strength and wisdom and peace in my life today and everyday. I love you for being my all in all. Amen.