S. "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” Luke 5: 8
O. When we see God for who He really is...we are humbled beyond human understanding. I love this story about Jesus. Simon Peter and his friends had been fishing all night and caught nothing. They were tired and ready for a break, but Jesus tells them to try one more time. They do and there is abundant catch! Then the realization comes...this is Jesus, and Peter falls at Jesus' feet. Here is way really hits home for me in this passage. When we see Jesus in all his glory, when we experience his greatness and splendor in our lives. When we see him as the Son of God...that is when we begin to see our lives in comparison to His. When we truly can see this...we are placed in a position of seeing our sinfulness and selfishness. The truth of who are are (a sinful person in need of a savior) becomes very clear to us and we find ourselves falling at the feet of Jesus...humbled and knowing that he is the only hope that we have.
A. So today, I begin my way with a clear understanding of the glory and majesty of my God and in so doing I am humbled beyond measure. I don't deserve this...and I know that I can't earn my forgiveness either. Thank you Lord for being the ultimate sacrifice for my sins...and for making a way for me into the future and eternity.
P. Lord, You are great...good...holy...just...loving...and all forgiving. I don't deserve your love, but you give it freely. I accept your gift today and ask the as I walk through this day that you will be my constant guide. Be my words, hands, feet...everything. Amen.
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