S. ‘Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you. (Acts 26:16, NIV)
O. These are the words of Jesus recounted by Paul has he told others about his conversion experience on the road to Damascus. It is clearly a call for him to get busy with the work that God has set aside for him to do. He was called by God to be a light to the Jews and gentiles...and God did a mighty work through him. As I read this verse yesterday, I was struck once again by my own calling as a servant of Christ. I am overwhelmed when I think about all that God has called me to do and be for Him...I am humbled by the fact that he uses me in spite of my weakness and lack of obedience at times. However, I must always have a deep realization about what God has called me to do and this verse reveals two trues about my witness of Christ.
First, I am a witness of what I have seen in Christ. That witness is full of the truth of Jesus Christ...his life on earth, his obedient act of doing the will of God, his atoning death on the cross and the awesome truth of His resurrection and work in my life today. I am a witness of what Christ has done in my individual life...the sin he has forgiven, the love that has been poured out on me and the power he gives me everyday to live for him.
Second, I am responsible as a disciple of Jesus Christ to continue in a relationship with him, in such a way as to listen and learn from Him everyday. There is so much more that he wants to show me and in showing me God requires that I become a witness of what God currently doing and teaching me. I never reach the point where I know all there is to know about God...I believe it is a continually revelation of God as I daily walk with Him.
A. Over the past few years, I have been convicted of how much time I spend with God and how much more I need to do. I have strengthened my daily walk with God, but there is so much more that I can do.
P. Lord, I thank you for calling me to be a witness of your greatness and goodness. I stand as your witness...giving testimony for all that you have and will do in my life. Amen.
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