S. Every day he was teaching at the temple. But the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the leaders among the people were trying to kill him. Yet they could not find any way to do it, because all the people hung on his words. (Luke 19: 44-45)
O. I have a confession to make. I don't know that I have ever felt persecution for my preaching and ministry. I might have had some minor opposition, but even that was probably from a friendly standpoint. I just read about some Christians in Asia who have to meet in secret and who are constantly being harassed by the government. I know Christians in Russia who lived under constant persecution for the preaching and teaching and even for just being a Christian.
Jesus faced opposition during most of his ministry, and he never backed down. He always stood for the truth that came from His father. He always made certain that he was in line with the will of His father in everything...and when this occurred, he could stand against any force of evil. I love the end of these verses, the kingdom was growing, the truth of the Father was being proclaimed and people were moving forward for the kingdom of God. No power and strength of man will be able to stand in opposition of God.
A. I am coming to a point in my life and in my ministry when I am less afraid to preach and teach God's truth and where I am not afraid to take a stand for the truth of God's word. I still don't think that I have experienced true persecution, but I am willing and ready to take that stand. I want to have a passion for God's Word and for the truth of the kingdom of God like Jesus had. If faced with opposition, I want to stand and not be afraid. I want to give my life to used for God's glory and not my own.
P. I pray this morning that I will stand this day by the truth of God's Word. God, may your strength be displayed in my life today. I give my life to be used for your kingdom. Amen
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