S. "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10: 39)
O. Jesus' words here are really at the core of his whole gospel message. The kingdom of heaven that he was ushering in had different rules and ways of living. No longer will I be focused on my own desires and pursuits, but I would be focused on others. My life will be full...not when I fill it with my dreams and desires and pleasures, but when I give my life way for others. This is a difficult concept for many in our society to grasp. The world tells us to hold onto things and built up our little empire around us. This is the new kingdom that Jesus is introducing. This is a new way of living and thinking. I know that I don't want to waste my life. I don't want to look around someday and see all that I have accomplished and stored up and see nothing of eternal value. I want to live with purpose and meaning in each day.
A. Today, I will look for ways to give myself away and in that giving away to lead others to Christ.
P. Lord, I am willing to be used by you today. I offer my life to you and ask that you lead me today in every step. Amen
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