S. "Clean living before God and justice with our neighbors mean far more to God than religious performance." Proverbs 21:3 (TMSG)
O. This is a timeless message that God has given to his people throughout the ages. God is more concerned with how we live with him in our lives, than he is in doing the right things religiously. Growing up in church was fro me is a rich blessing. I can't every remember a time when I was not in church. I know all the right things to do as a church...I have studied about the church, I have experienced church and I have desire to lead the church. But my religious performance (what I would consider...the things that I do for and at church) is not the main concern...and too many time it is the ONLY concern of Christians. And most of all for me. I have to remember that my relationship with Jesus Christ is first priority and then my love of other people is next. God commissioned the early church to think this way...not to all the church stuff first and then when you left over time make sure you are living God before you neighbors! My priority needs to be on those around me who don't know Jesus Christ...those who need aren't in church anywhere, showering them with the love and care that only God can work through me.
A. There is a big different in knowing about this truth and doing it...living it! Being aware and stopping at times to make sure that I have the right priorities is a must.
P. "Lord Jesus, I am so grateful for this day you have given to me. A day when I can love you and serve you. I just that today I will be a constant source of love and goodness to those around me. That I would allow your love to transform me and be transfered to those around me. May the church do the same as we seek to be more and more like you. I love you...Amen"
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