S. "So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another."
Romans 14:19 (NASB)
O. I am struck by the simple call to like in unity and in uplifting one another...but in reality, there seems to always be struggles to maintain peace and balance and a positive atmosphere in homes, work places, schools and churches. There are time in my life when I don't let peace rule and where I haven't "pursued" peace like I should have. And just as bad are the times that would rather tear someone down with my words rather than build them up. Why do I do these things that I know are wrong? I really don't know, but I do know this...that I have a power that is greater than the power of the world in my life through the presence of Jesus Christ. I have a power available to me that will lead me in the right way to live. You see, I have a choice...to acknowledge God's presence in me and allow him to lead my life in peace and unity with those around me...or to do the opposite...Life is about the choices we make.
A. Today I have been and will continue to be very intentional about what comes out of my mouth to my family and others. I will speak words of encouragement and pursue peace in relationships around me.
P. "Lord Jesus, thank you for the peace you offer to me through your shed blood on Calvary. I claim your peace in my heart and will pass that same peace to others in my life. Be all of me...for your glory and honor. Amen."
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