S. (Speaking of Stephen) "but they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke." Acts 6: 10 (NIV)
O. I want to be a man like Stephen. I want God's wisdom and spirit to be so present and evident in my life that people will be drawn to God and not me. I don't want people to follow me; I want people to follow Jesus. How is this type of evidence from one's life found…it is only found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Stephen was a devote follower of Jesus Christ, he was seen by his peers as one with an excellent attitude and devotion to service (he was selected in Acts 6 as serve the widows in the community). At the end of the chapter, when he was called before the Sanhedrin, this is recorded… "All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel" (Acts 6: 15, NIV). It seems that for Stephen, every aspect of his life…every word, action, thought was an opportunity for him to point people to Jesus. Again, I hope that my life and be even just a fraction like that of Stephen!
A. This type of life is only found in a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. So my action is to simply continue to pursue a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus. It is all about surrender!
P. Lord, my life is yours…you created me, redeemed me through the blood of Jesus Christ and have promised to guide me every day of my life. I am yours, Lord…my prayer is that through my life, people will be drawn to Jesus Christ. Amen
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