S. "Engrave the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the way a gem cutter engraves a seal. Then mount the stones in gold filigree settings and fasten them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel. Aaron is to bear the names on his shoulders as a memorial before the Lord." (Exodus 28: 11-12, NIV)
O. I really enjoyed reading this section today. It is filled with all the requirements to make the priestly garments for Aaron and his sons. There are very details instructions as to the material and style. God is a God of details and there is significance in what God instructs us to do at times in our lives. I especially like verse 11-12 of chapter 28. They describe the making of two stones containing the names of Jacob's sons. These stones were to be on the shoulders of the garment as a constant reminder of God's calling of the twelve tribes of Israel and His faithfulness to do all that He has said and promised he would do. It is so important to remember from where we have come. It is no mistake that God has given me the past that he has. He knew all that I needed as a child and as an adult to become the person he needs me to be. I can only imagine how the story of Israel was on the minds of the priests and some many who followed God. As I read today's reading in Acts 7, the rich heritage was also brought out. Stephen recounted the whole history of Israel from Abraham to Jesus. How sweet to know that our past informs our present. It shapes us and informs our present and future in God's hands.
A. Today, I chose to celebrate my heritage, godly grandparents, and parents. A father who has taught me so much about being a pastor, an uncle who prayer for me and has been a model of integrity and who has live out a life of faith in front of me.
P. Lord, allow my rich heritage to inform me today…most of all, allow my rich heritage in Jesus Christ to lead my life today as I lead your church today. Amen
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