Monday, February 1, 2010

Bold Witness

S. "Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went." (Acts 8:4, NIV)

O. Even persecution did not stop the church from preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. They took advantage of every opportunity that was placed in front of them. There was no shame, no timidity, no hesitation at all…they preached. They are been scattered because of their boldness and their boldness would not be stymied. When I read this today, I wondered what I would do if I were put in this situation. Would I put myself out there and go all out for the Jesus or would I hide in fear of what might happen to me if I got caught. I heard the story once of a groups of Christians in Communist Russia. They were meeting in a home, praising God, reading the Bible, etc. when all of a sudden a group of Russian soldiers broke into the house and held them at gun point. As being a Christians was not tolerated by the Communist party, these soldiers were carrying out their duty. The soldiers told the Christians to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ or be shot. They were determined to honor Jesus Christ and not deny him, so they remained silent. The soldiers then dropped their guns and rejoiced. They too were Christians and were looking for people of like faith to join in worship!

The point is this; we must be bold and steadfast in our commitment to follow Jesus Christ. I don't think that God wants any lukewarm Christians.

A. I have personally been committed to being a bolder witness for Jesus. This comes in many ways, but I must be a consistent example for Christ and be a bold voice for the truth of Jesus.

P. Lord, I begin this day asking for your wisdom to be in me and for your power to work through me in this day. I ask for the strength to be bold in my witness for you today and the days to come. Amen.

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