S. "The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give." Exodus 25: 1-2
O. Exodus 25 is a very detail account of how the Israelites were to build the ark of the covenant and other fixtures in the temple. The process of making the articles began with an offering. The Israelites were instructed to bring an offering of the elements that were needed to make the ark and table for the temple. This was a free will offering. It would be given by each man and family as God prompted their hearts. So when God would call them to give, man would have to choose to make the sacrifice for the Lord. I think this is much like today. We are called to give sacrificially to the work of the Lord. Our giving allows God's work to continue in this community and around the world. We are prompted by the spirit of God to give and we must respond. God set an example before us in the giving of his only son to free us from our sin. Such a gift should compel us to give of our very lives!
A. Christmas is a time for giving gifts. I have been overwhelmed with the response of our congregation to give Christmas to others. We have offered gifts for five family and will be distributing about 55 food baskets in a couple of weeks. But the giving needs to be personally. What will I give to someone in need today?
P. Lord, thank you for your great gift in Jesus Christ. I accept that give and offer my life as a gift to further the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen
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