Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Letting Jesus Come In

S. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ Matthew 25: 43

O. I often wonder about the inn keepers that turned Mary and Joseph away on that night in Bethlehem when Jesus came into the world. They did not know that something special was going to happen, so they turned them away. I think that there are times when people do the same thing to Jesus today. They are given the opportunity to invite Jesus in, to make room for Him in their life and offer a part of themselves to him completely. But people turn away from God and reject his coming into their lives. Perhaps they don't realize the urgency of accepting Jesus into their lives. Maybe they don't consider eternity something to think about today, but I don't know if we have that luxury. We need to consider the hear and now what the truth about our eternal state. One day Jesus is going to return to the earth and we will be separated into two camps...those who acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives and lived for Him in every way and those who did not. We don't know that hour or the day when we will be faced with entry...but we will have to stand before Christ in judgment.

Don't push Jesus away! Don't walk around with an attitude on indifference in their heart and mind. Make up your mind to open the door of your life to Jesus' present eternally in you. I know that you will not be disappointed.

A. Today, I will look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to the world. I will look around me to identify what I really must do to follow Jesus.

P. Lord, I pray that you will look upon my life and show me if there be any wicked and unrighteousness in me. I want to live for you and serve you with all my heart. I love you. Amen.

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