Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Provisions

I am just amazed at the provision of God for my life and my family. Too many times I don't trust in God's provision for my life. I begin to do what so many people do and trust only in themselves and what they are do to provide. I think about what I can do, how I can work and what I can create in the way of provision and they I weary myself in trying to accomplish the tasks of provision. Yes, I do have a responsibility to work and provides, but I also need to have an element of faith in as I look at my life and needs.

God will not place me in a situation without making full provision! Take the Israelites for example. God led them out of Egypt...out of the bondage of slavery and placed them in the wilderness for many years. They learned many lessons in the wilderness for those 40 years...and one was about provision. Exodus 16: 12 says:

"I have heard the grumbling of the people of Israel. Say to them, 'At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God.'"

God heard their voice and then provided for them. Notice how the provision provided at God's timing and not theirs. It was exactly what they needed for the day and evening. Nothing more and nothing less. In fact, the scripture tells us that if they did take too many, it would spoil and be of no use to them.

What great lessons on provision...God provides exactly what we NEED, not too much and not too little. He provides WHEN we need it, and if we think we need more, there will be consequences...trouble might come if we gather with a sense of hoarding.

I am learning to DAILY rely on God's provision. This is not easy for a type a personality, but I am learning to loosen my grip and trust more in the all powerful, all knowing, all loving God.
And as provision comes, I am going to honor the one who provides. There needs to always be acknowledgment of God's gifts to us. To see these on a daily basis will only increase our ability to trust and know God WILL provide. How much freer life will be as I place my complete trust in the provision of God!

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