Thursday, August 27, 2009


S. In the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the year Evil-Merodachbecame king of Babylon, he released Jehoiachin king of Judah and freed him from prison on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth month. He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon. So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king’s table. Day by day the king of Babylon gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived, till the day of his death. Jeremiah 52:31-34 ( NIV )

O. I love these verses that are the conclusion of Jeremiah's prophecy. They are words of hope and words that refer to the anticipated restoration of Jerusalem. Jehoiachin is released from captivity after 37+ years. He is given some of his dignity back by removing his prisoner clothing and sitting at the kings table. Why are these verses given to us? What do we hear this this act of kindness and mercy? I believe it is to reassure each of us and for me personal to be reassured of God's love and mercy and that in the end he will bring restoration. How many times have I been down when there seemed like no way out. I'm sure those in captivity had a hard time seeing beyond their circumstances. They were held in a foreign land, in a culture that was very different for a place where idol worship was revered over worship and the true living God. They were stuck and didn't know if they would ever get out. I have felt that way before...a seemingly hopeless situation. But we have a God who is in the restoration business. We have a God who can see the entire picture of our that requires a bit of faith in the future, even when we don't see the outcome. This story has a great ending...we know that the people of God returned to Jerusalem, rebuilt the temple and their homes and began "life" once again. I must have the same hope and faith in my God who knows my life and circumstances. I just believe that there is a great reward for me in eternity and in my life here on earth. I must trust in a God who knows me and knows what is best for my life. What a God I have!!!

A. Today, I choose to look beyond my circumstances and see the restoration that God has for me. Today I choose to look at life from God's point of few and seeking his plan for my life today and everyday.

P. "Lord Jesus, I am overwhelmed by your presence in my life today. I am so grateful for your provision and guidance in all that I do. I am so thankful for the hope that I have in you and in you alone. Be my guide today and everyday. I place my life into your hands and ask for your peace as I hold on to your plan and purpose. I love you, Lord." Amen

Friday, August 21, 2009

Walking in His Steps

S. "...He is your example, and you must follow in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21b (NLT)

O. I love this verse. I have in Jesus Christ an example of how to live my life. It is my prayer that my life will be an example of love and forgiveness and integrity just like Jesus. However, I know myself and many times I don't come close to being an example of Jesus' life. I struggle just like anyone with selfishness, pride and arrogance, and I don't like it. It is a constant struggle to devote my life and example to the way of Jesus. But I don't think that I am alone in this struggle. It is probably the struggle of every christian to strive to be like Jesus.

So how do I do this? How do I "follow in HIS steps"? First, I must surrender daily to Jesus Christ. My will, my thoughts, my actions, my desires all need to be in the hands of Jesus. Second, I must surround myself with people who can hold me accountable and encourage me in my walk with Christ. Third, these two steps force me to live my live in intention. There should be no haphazard following of Jesus...we must follow him with intentionality and with courage to face each day for Him.

A. I choose this day to surrender my life to Jesus and to follow him in all that I do.

P. "Lord Jesus, I give you my life and ask today be a day when others see Jesus in my. I pray that through my life, others will see something different than the world offers and that I will have an opportunity to share of your live and grace with them. I love you Lord, Amen."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Faith leading to Works

S. "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead." James 2: 26 (ESV)

O. There are many religions in the world that base their salvation and accomplishments on works. If you do certain things or reach certain levels of accomplishment in life they are rewarded. Their are also some who thing that you just have to be good and do good things to be guarnteed entrance into heaven. But the Bible is clear about such things. James especially addresses the issue of faith and works. This verse sums it in Jesus Christ that does not result in works is not true faith! Good works are extremely important in our Christian lives. My faith in Jesus Christ should push me toward doing what is right (good works)...the my good works leading salvation. My salvation is by works are a result of that faith.

Paul said it this way "For my grace you ahve been savied through faith. And this is not your won doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2: 8-9, ESV).

A. I will continue to do all that God has called me to do...knowing that he has prepared things for me in advance. I will continue to look to God daily as I live out my faith daily.

P. "Lord Jesus, I thank you for all that you are to me. I think you for my salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Please use my for your work and for your glory! I love you, Amen.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Judged by the Word of God

S. "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. " Hebrews 4:12-13 (ESV)

O. The Word of God is so alive to me day. I am so grateful to our God for revealing himself through His word. I have read these verses many times in my life. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago I shared vs. 12 with the congregation. God's Word, the Bible needs to be alive in me. I must constantly feed on God's words written for me everyday. There is so much that I gain from reading the Bible. First, it helps me to discern right from wrong. It assists my discernment in what to do in my life and keeps my on the straight and narrow. Second, it helps me discern the thoughts and intentions of my heart. The Message says it can be use for "laying us open to listen and obey". Isn't that what we really want from listen and to obey all that He has for us. So why is it so important that we listen to God and respond in obedience? Verse 13 gives us good reason...we are not hidden from God's sight. We are exposed to the very God who created me and who will one day judge my it is extremely important that I live by the truth of God's Word for me. As I am preparing for the New Testament Challenge at PRBC...I want all people to realize the importance of reading God's Word for themselves. It is not my responsibility to make others grow...they have to do that themselves. I must remain faithful to God in my relationship with Him and be an encourager to others to do the same.

A. Continue in my daily reading and reflection is one of the most important aspects of my Christian life and walk with God. This will never change for me!

P. "Lord Jesus, that's for being my Savior and Lord...God I am so grateful that you teach me daily from your Word for me. I love you Lord, Amen!"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Responsibility

S. "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it." Titus 1: 9 (ESV)

O. I have been on vacation for the past couple of weeks...a break is always good, but during this time God has been reminding me of the great responsibility that is mine as a steward of God's word. God has called me into my position as a pastor and I am so grateful for this...but with that comes a tremendous responsibility. This particular verse speaks of my responsibility of preaching and teaching the truth of God's Word. It is my duty to study and reveal God's truth to the people of my congregation and to rebuke those who stand against this same truth. This is not to be taken lightly as a pastor. It requires much of my time to correct divide the word of God and give it back to the people. It is also my responsibility to encourage those in the church to deepen their own personal relationship with God. They need to have a personal relationship with Jesus, that is supported and encouraged through my preaching and teaching.

A. I will continue to devote my time to reading and studying the Word of God.

P. "Lord Jesus, thanks for calling me and preparing me for your work. I continue to give my life to you daily for the greater cause of the kingdom of God. I love you, Lord. Amen"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Serving Others

S. "But not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves." Luke 22:26 (ESV)

O. "The leader as one who serves"! These are words that are meant for me today. I have been in leadership positions for many years. One of the things I have learned is that to lead I must serve those who I am leading. The old saying is true, "You can't ask someone to do something that you would not do." But leading and serving is more that just working along side others and caring for them. It is about being all that you can be to increase the position and care of the those you serve. It is putting your church, group or whomever you are leading in a position to excel and prosper. It is about putting the needs of the many above the needs of the few. It is about putting others before yourself. I trust that I am able to live up to this calling as a leader. It is my prayer that i can live as a leader who puts others first, including my family and church.

A. I realize that I am in a position that can greatly effect others. I will be open to the leading of God in my life and allow him to lead me in His way. I will serve my family and my church as a leader today and everyday.

P. "Lord Jesus, I offer my life to you today. I choose to serve my family today and put the needs of others before my own. I love you Lord. Amen."

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Living on Purpose

S. "who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began..." 2 Timothy 1:9 (ESV)

O. I love these words written so many years ago, but so real for me today. My salvation is not a result of anything that I have do or could is a result of what Jesus Christ has done for me. And my life has purpose. I have been saved to accomplish His purpose in this world. Again, it all comes down to surrender for me. If I surrender my life and will to God's purpose for me, I will be living in the way that God's designed me to live...according to him will and purpose and not my own. It is so simple...but yet so difficult to live at times. Our desires and wants seem to crowd our lives and get in the way. Our own selfish desires will stand in the way of accomplishing God's purpose in our lives. It is a choice that I must make daily!

A. Today, I choose to surrender my life to the Lord once again. This is a choice that I must make daily for the rest of my life.

P. "Lord Jesus, I ask that your presence in my life will allow me to live for your purpose. I choose to live according to your purpose as I live this day with my family and others I come into contact with. Thanks for being my strength! I love you, Lord, Amen."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Humbly Called

S. "Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers." 1 Timothy 4:16 (ESV)

O. This verse was directed straight to me this morning. Timothy is a ministry and Paul writes some very important instructions to him. As a minister and preacher of the Word of God, I need to watch my life and my teaching very closely. One of the things that is hard for many ministers is always being on duty. There are not many times when I am "not" the pastor of PRBC. It just never stops. Some have called this living in a glass house. People everywhere look into your life and are looking to you as an example. Somethings this is transfered to my family as well. There are some jobs that you can leave at work, but being a pastor is much different.

I also know that great responsibility of the teaching aspect being a servant of Christ. I am called to handle the Word of God with accuracy and great humility. It is a scary privilege to preach the Word of God. I see the great importance of study and the need to understand Biblical truth to share with the people God has placed under me.

A. I have already seen the need to prioritize time and energy in my sermon preparation and planning. I also know that my life is to be lived with great responsibility as a pastor. Today, I will reflect honesty and humility toward my family and others whom I meet along the way.

P. "Lord Jesus, you have called me and equipped me. I give my life into your service and ask that you use me to build your kingdom here on mulitply your kingdom in heaven. I love you, Lord. Amen."

Friday, August 7, 2009


S. "And Jesus said to him, “Recover your sight; your faith has made you well.” Luke 18:42 (ESV)

O. I always marvel at the healing that Jesus performed. He was always looking at the beens of other people and their needs. This particular story, the begger pleaded with Jesus to "have mercy" on him. Twice to called out to Jesus and Jesus finally stopped. But it was the persistent call of the man that got Jesus attention. He knew that Jesus could make a difference in his life. He knew that Jesus could bring healing to him. He know that his life could take a new turn with the help and healing of he called out.

Jesus said the word and he was healed, but then Jesus said "your faith has made you well." Do I believe that trusting in Jesus Christ can make a difference in my life? Do I know that Jesus can bring healing to my life, my relationship, my difficulties...all I have to do is believe...have faith in my God who is bigger that all my problems and worries. That just takes simple faith like the faith of this blind begger.

A. Today, I look to the one who is everything to me. I look toward my Jesus, who can bring hope and healing and wholeness to every area of my life and to those around me.

P. "Lord Jesus, I choose this day to rest in your love and care. I believe in your power and love for me and I accept it as part of my life today. I love you, Lord. Amen"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Love and Perseverance

S. "But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one...may the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 5 (NIV)

O. I am so grateful that God set a hedge of protection around me daily. I love what the Psalmist says in Psalm 139, the Lord will "hedge me in behind and before" (my paraphrase). As a Christian, I am covered by the protection from the enemy, Satan, at all times. But it doesn't end there. I am promised more from God. As I surrender my life to the Lord (something that I have written about several times), I am promised that "the Lord will direct my heart into God's love and Christ's perseverance". WOW! I need to unpack that for myself.

God's love - unselfish, completely, unconditional, free, endless, powerful, forgiving...I could go on and on. I life can be directed by God's love and along the way, I know that God will begin to mold my life with the same qualities.

Christ's perseverance - Christ persevered until death on the cross. He loved the unlovely, cared for the down and out. He endured verbal ridicule, physical abuse, sleepless nights, constant ministry...he kept his focus on his relationship with his Father and moved forward always with me in mind.

I am humbled to think that I have God's love and Christ's perseverance in my life. It give me new perspective on my ministry and relationship.

A. It all comes down to surrender once again. I must place my life into the hands of God and allow him to mold me and make me into his perfect vessel. Today, I choose to follow God's way for me my life...for my family...for my ministry.

P. "Lord Jesus, today I claim the strength that you were given. Today I choose to live my life for you and no others. I love you Lord, Amen."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Joy Filled Thanksgiving

S. Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

O. I have read these many times in my life, but today they are new to me once again. I want to live a joyful life and have a blast as I am doing it. Last night was I laughed harder than I have in months and it felt good. My heart was full of joy and I was so thankful for my family and my life at that moment. I guess that a joy filled heart leads to prayer and thanksgiving. How can we not be filled with hope and peace when we experience a godly joy in our lives. But there are times that I must choose to be joyful and will with with hope. There are times when I must give thanks when things don't go my way. Why? Because God's will is for us to be thankful and full of joy and constant in prayer.

A. Today, I choose to be joyful and thankful for all that God's sends my way...for my family, for my time way to relax and for his beautiful creation that I get to enjoy today.

P. "Lord Jesus, fill me today with all joy and thanksgiving. Let me carry your heart with me in all that I do. Thank you for our time away as a family. I love you, Lord. Amen."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

God is Everything

S. “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours." Luke 15:31 (NIV)

O. I think that most of the time I pass right over this verse. This is found at the end of the story of the prodigal son...and by this time he has come home and the family is having a big party and I think that I check out at this point. But this verse really stopped me this morning. The father, so represents God says to the other brother (who was complaining about the big party that was being thrown for the "wayward" son) I am always with you and you can have anything of mine all the time. Two statements packed with truth...

First, God is always with us and we are always with God. For first part of this statement is very comforting and frightening at the same time. Nice to know that God is with us always, but it is filled with accountability as well. We are always in the presence of God and he sees and know everything about us. That requires that I keep my life focused on him and that I live in such as a way as to honor and please Him daily. Second, everything that God has is available to us. We don't ever have to worry about needing any resource to accomplish God's work in our lives...God will supply it. When faced with impossible situations, God is able to supply all that we need.

A. Here is the key for me today. I just have to open my eyes and see and receive all that God has for me in my life. I have be blessed in so many ways, so I just need to bask in the truth of all that God has given to me. I need to draw from God's strength and peace for me personally.

P. "Father, thanks for being giving me everything in my life and for being faithful to provide all that I need in this life. May I accept all you have for me. I love you, Amen."

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hidden in Christ

S. Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God...And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:1-3, 17 (NIV)

O. My life has been "hidden in Christ". That means that my life should and will reflect the truth of who Christ is everyday of my life. If my life is surrounded by Christ (because I am hidden in Him), the only things that I should see and experience should be through the lens of Christ. Christ in a way is the filter through which I experience the world and see the world around family, my friends, my experiences with others...everything is filter through Christ. So why is there any struggle with this? If I am "hidden" in Christ, why are their struggles to keep this prospective in my life. It is selfishness and pride and a wrong view of things around me. I need to keep my mind and my heart focused on Christ and all that is my through him. The result...all that I do and say and am will be done in the name of Jesus Christ, offering my live as an offering to God the Father.

A. Today, I want to see all that is around me through the filter of Jesus Christ. I choose to see my life from God's point of view and not my own. I will not be selfish and self-centered today...but will put Christ first and others before myself.

P. "Lord Jesus, I am so grateful that you surround my life. May I live this day in view of who you are in me. I love you, Lord! Amen."

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Be Prepared

S. "And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” Luke 12:11-12 (ESV)

O. The excuse used most often for not witnessing and standing up for one faith is "I don't know what to say!" These verses take that excuse away from us all. Jesus is speaking to the disciples in this passage and telling them that they will be sent out and that they will be called before the rulers and authorities, but that when they are, they are to stand firm in the truth that they know about Him. They would be given the words to say.

This does not mean that we don't prepare. The disciples had been with Jesus, talked with him, listened to his teaching, they had questioned him about certain things. They were prepared. Too many times, people are not even prepared to defend their faith with the truth of God's word. They don't have within them what they need to say. Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit...
"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (John 14:26, NIV). We learn and then we go and the Holy Spirit works in both areas.

A. I have been thinking about how to be more bold in my witness for Christ. One of the things that I must do is keep my eyes focused on Him, continue to read and prepare myself and then work in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit wherever I go.

P. "Lord Jesus, I pray that I can be a strong, bold, effective witness for you. I surrender my life to your will. I love you Jesus!" Amen.