Monday, June 29, 2009

Steadfast Love

S. "I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever. For great is your steadfast love toward me..." Psalms 86:12-13 (ESV)

O. I am overwhelmed by God's love for me. No matter what I do, God is always faithful to accept me and shower me with is love. What a joy to know this! I must say that I don't intentionally run from or do things that separate me from God, but being human, sometimes I fall and make mistakes. So when I think about God and His love for me and that He never gives up on me...I am overwhelmed. This kind of relentless love does not often happen between two individuals. Because we are prone to sin and error, we don't experience this kind of steadfast love in our when God pours over me, I am overwhelmed. I am guilty of not loving people the way that God loves them. For that I am truly sorry, but I have a responsibility and duty as a Christian to open my life and allow God to love through me. My prayer is that I can to that each and every day.

A. My prayer today is that I love with a steadfast, forgiving love...and that I can show that to as many people as I can...especially to my family.

P. "Lord Jesus, you have loved me with an everlasting, relentless, steadfast love for which I am eternally grateful. I come today to surrender my life to you once again and ask that you use my life to reach and love others today. Thanks for your love and your confidence in use me as a vessel for your glory! Amen."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Ministry

S. "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. " 2 Timothy 4:5 (NIV)

O. I have always loved this verse. It is so clear and straightforward. I have a ministry responsibility to present my life fit and ready for service. That means that I must be aware of what is happening around me. There will be times when ministry will to tough and hard...there will be times that I want to quit...there will be times with I are put down and persecuted. These are the hardships that I at some time or another endure. And I must keep in mind that I need to to the "work of an evangelist". That means that in everything I do, I must keep telling others about Jesus Christ. Everything I say and do must lead to the powerful and life changing truth of Jesus Christ. And I love the last phrase...I might translate it "Whatever it takes...get the job done"! That means that I must keep on moving and pushing ahead with God leading the way. I must keep focused on the high calling of God. Thanks for this reminder God!

A. I will walk ahead with God as my guide in my personal life and ministry...keeping the goal of sharing the love of Jesus Christ wherever I go.

P. "Lord Jesus, thanks for this verse and the reminder to keep focused on the ministry that to which I have been called. I will offer my faithful service to God in all aspects of my life. I love You , Lord"!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

No Room for the Enemy

S. "But a man of God came to him and said, “O king, do not let the army of Israel go with you, for the Lord is not with Israel, with all these Ephraimites. But go, act, be strong for the battle. Why should you suppose that God will cast you down before the enemy? For God has power to help or to cast down.” 2 Chronicles 25:7-8 (ESV)

O. Amaziah was king of Judah and was trying to assemble the men of Judah and ready them for battle. He found 300,000 able men for battle, but in his mind it was not he paid 100,000 might men of valor from Israel (the enemy) and paid them to fight with the army of Judah. But God sent his messenger to put a stop to this. How easy it is for use to invite the enemy into our lives, all the while thinking that it is a good thing. The scripture tells us we need to "guard our hearts and minds" from any wrong or evil that might come our way. When God is on my side, I don't have to worry. Whether victory or defeat comes, my God knows what is best for me and will deliver me or sustain matter what. My primary responsibility is to keep my relationship with God a priority. If I don't do this, I quickly move to trying to rely on my own intellect and resources. When God is at the helm, he supplies all my needs and gives me direction always.

A. When do I invite he enemy into my life? This is a question that I need to consider always. And with the answer to that question, I must make a commitment to rid my life of the enemy and never allow Satan to have a foothold in my life.

P. "Lord Jesus, thanks for your constant presence and power in my life. To many times I try to rely on my own strength to make it through this life. I give you control and ask for your power to be displayed through me. I give you my life, today and always...Amen"

Monday, June 22, 2009

God's Relentless Love

S. "And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, as the house of Ahab had done, for the daughter of Ahab was his wife. And he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
Yet the Lord was not willing to destroy Judah, for the sake of David his servant, since he promised to give a lamp to him and to his sons forever." 2 Kings 8:18-19 (ESV)

O. The stories of the kings of Judah and Israel are very interesting. They all were very unique in what they did, how they acted, etc. The thing that distinguishes each of them is the truth of whether they follow the ways to God or not. Jehoram, king of Judah is the subject of the scripture above. They did evil in the sight of God, called upon other gods and lead the people of Judah to do the same. What really struck me about this very and this story is God's relentless love. God had made a promise that that a light would continue through the line of David, so even when the people of Judah did evil in God's sight, God would not total destroy them.
On this side of the story, we know that the light of David's line was Jesus and because of God's great love for us, expressed through Jesus is the love that is offered to each and everyone of us today. I know the same relentless love that God had for the people of Judah is the same love that he has for me. Even when I chose to do the wrong thing...when I mess up and turn my back on God, when I disobey or wander from the truth, God will loves me and is ready for me to come back to him in repentance.

A. I must make a choice to live in the ways of God. It is not fair of me to fully rely on the relentless love of God. Just because I know he will love me no matter what, does not give me the right to disobey and expect his loving return. I will chose obedience and walking in the ways of God.

P. "Lord Jesus, thank you for your relentless love for me and everyone around me. May I also exhibit this love to those in my family, church and community. My I love them with the love that has been given to me. I offer my life to you today and everyday. I love you. Amen"

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stealing God's Glory

S. "So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elisha’s house. Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.” But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than any of the waters of Israel? Couldn’t I wash in them and be cleansed?” So he turned and went off in a rage." 2 Kings 5:9-12 (NIV)

O. I am so convicted at times when I read God's Word. This story of Naaman is a great story that I have read many times. Naaman wants to be cleansed of his leprosy, so he goes to see Elisha. Elisha tells him exactly what to do, but Naaman doest like what he hears. I think want really stood out to me was his attitude today. This was not the way the he though things should go...he seemed to feel that there was a better way for his leprosy to be healed. I am so guilty of this. I get in my head what I think should happen and/or needs to happen and if it doesn't go that way I don't like it...and sometimes I get a little bent out of shape (maybe I should write angry). That is not the way I should respond to things in my world. If I trust in God who is bigger than me and who has divinely ordained all my days...why would I question the way certain things would unfold. This world is not about is about God. The end result was Naaman's healing, but at what expenses. Follow the plan God laid before him from the beginnng would have left people with a better picture of Naaman. Unstead, people probably left the situation with a tarnished view of Naaman. Maybe they would remember his anger more than the healing, when I'm sure that God's purpose in the healing was to bring him glory and honor.

A. I really don't want to draw attention away from God. I really want people not see me or recognize me, but see God at work in my life. I realize that my position as pastor is very visible, is I will be on my guard daily to represent the Lord Jesus Christ and allow my life to be a beacon of light for Him.

P. "Lord Jesus, I am humbled to be your servant. I really desire to direct people to you alone. I come to you humbly and ask that you accept my life and service render in your name. I love you Lord. Amen."

Friday, June 19, 2009

Confronting in Love

S. "The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 Timothy 1: 5

O. Timothy has a difficult "charge" from the apostle Paul. It was to face head on those who were teaching other doctrines than that of Jesus Christ. They were into all kinds of false teaching and he was to stop them. I am not one that likes any kind of confrontation. I would rather that everyone get along and agree. But we are humans and there will be time when I must confront another about something that is wrong. I love Paul's advice. Don't be abrasive and rude...don't let anger get the best of you...don't water down the truth of what the need to, his advice is centered on the core response of that the gospels teach about...LOVE. The goal of confrontation is LOVE and needs to remain the goal even when things get rough and tough. This is agape love...not just a love that feels right or is on the surface...this is a love that is sacrifice and sees through tough is pure and from the heart.

I also know that this love and any kind of confrontation must be done with a clear conscience. It must be done with the best for the other person on mind and not out of selfish motives. This kind of love is hard, but with a sincere faith in Jesus Christ, I know that anything is possible and doable because of the strength he gives.

A. I need to approach some people in love and sincerity about some things that I am involved with at church. Nothing major...just coming from my heart about the truth of God's Word.

P. "Lord Jesus, give me the faith to step out in the midst of your presence and do all that I must do. Let me do it all in love and in your might name. Amen"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Speaking God's Word

S. "And the messenger who went to summon Micaiah said to him, “Behold, the words of the prophets with one accord are favorable to the king. Let your word be like the word of one of them, and speak favorably.” But Micaiah said, “As the Lord lives, what my God says, that I will speak.” 2 Chronicles 18:12-13 (ESV)

O. One of the things that I have been challenged with as a pastor and Christians is to speak God's word to people and not just tell them what they want to hear. I think that everyone as some point has to deal with this. In the scripture, Micaiah the prophet was summons to speak a word to the kings of Israel and Judah. And when he came, the messengers told him, we have already heard from the others prophets and they all agree, so your word should also match theirs. Don't upset the apple cart here...we want your words to match their words. But Micaiah rightly said, only as the Lord gives me words will I speak them.

Paul warns in 2 Timothy 4 that there will be teachers who teach what they want to us to hear and not the truth of God's word. I must continue to remember and speak with boldness the Word of God. There is no substitue for God's word. I am God's mouthpiece to the people of Pea Ridge Baptist and my responsibility of to share God's truth and nothing more.

A. As I preach and teach, I must constantly be reminded that I must speak ONLY God's truth. I will boldly to this as God gives me words to speak!

P. "Loving God, you are a God of truth and uprightness. I have surrendered my life to be your servant and mouthpiece to those under my ministry. Please guide my words each and every day! Amen"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Serving the Lord

S. "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men," Colossians 3:23 (NASB)

O. What a simple reminder of who are are working for. Some many times in the church, we express that we are doing things for other people, but in reality, the only person we are working for in the Lord Jesus Christ. I really needed this reminder today. It is so easy to get bogged down in doing things for other of time and resources for others...but must remember that I am serving the Lord not man. This is backed up by one of the greatest foundational truths in the scriptures for me. The Lordship of Jesus Christ. Before any other person or opportunity, I must surrender my life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

The other thing that stands out to me is that I am to work "heartily". Another translation states, "Work from the heart for your real Master" This means that all I do must reflect my heart, so that the condition of my heart needs to be of top priority spiritually. I must surrender my heart and all my life to the Lord.

A. Knowing that I am to serve Christ first and foremost, I will consider my ministry and leadership in this light. I will make decisions based on my relationship with God first and then my relationship with others. As I surrender, I will work humbly in my ministry and family to serve them in the name of Jesus Christ.

P. "Lord Jesus, you know I want to serve you with a surrendered heart. Guide my every day and every move for your glory. Amen"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Responding with Faith

S. "And she went and did as Elijah said. And she and he and her household ate for many days. The jar of flour was not spent, neither did the jug of oil become empty, according to the word of the Lord that he spoke by Elijah." 1 Kings 17: 15-16 (ESV)

O. Such great faith. My question is simple. Would I have done the same thing? Do I have a faith that would allow me a move beyond my comfort zone and fully into the direction of my God? Such faith requires a deep sense of trust in God. I am not questioning my belief in who God is...I know that God created me, sustains my life daily, does give me direction, etc. I am questioning my own own action and surrender to God's way. For me, this is where the "rubber meets the road"... this is the pivotal question of our Christian faith. Are we going to trust ourselves and our judgments more than God's way? But this question bring up another important factor. If we are going to move by God's direction, then we must be in a place where we can hear God. If I am not making myself available to God and putting myself in a position to hear God, then I WILL work out of my reasoning and not God's. I must be in God's Word, I must be faithful in my prayer life...I must listen to God's servants who are connection to him in a daily relationship.

As I grow daily in an understanding of my God, I will need to release some of the control factors of my own ideas and thoughts and give them over to God's. That will talk great faith!

A. Today, I will listen more intently to God's voice and when confronted with the decision to follow in faith...will put my complete trust in God.

P. "Lord Jesus, I do believe in who You are! I do trust you, so I surrender my actions and life to you by faith in the direction that you have for my life, my family and my church. Amen"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Completely Surrendered

S. "But the high places were not taken out of Israel. Nevertheless, the heart of Asa was wholly true all his days." 2 Chronicles 15:17 (ESV)

O. In reading about the days and leadership of the kings of Judah and Israel, I am always interested in those who followed the Lord. They must have been very strong people to make some of the sweeping changes that happened to bring a focus of worship to the true God. I get the impression and I think that I might be is easier to undo true worship of God than it is to build it back. Our allegiance to God needs to remain a priority in all we do in life. We need to project our beliefs and our relationship with God...keeping it a main emphasis in all we do.

King Asa was a king whose heart was turned to the Lord, but something happened as he began to reform Judah. He reinstated worship to God, torn down foreign altars and hight places and broke down pillars erected to Asherim...and he every commanded all the people to seek the Lord...but this very above is haunting..."the high place were not taken out of Israel"... There was not a complete cleansing of the evil and wrong worship in the land and as a result, there was a weakness and vulnerability to evil left in place.

The truth that seems to be shouted from this text is this...if we are going to follow the Lord, we must do so completely! There is no room for any piece of evil to be left in opportunity for Satan to have a stronghold over us...we must fully surrender our lives to the Lord.

A. As I examine my life closely, I pray that I will be able to surrender each and every part of my life to the Lord. There is no room for hiding any part of me...God I surrender to you completely.

P. "Lord Jesus, it is my desire to live a completely surrendered life before you. I will keep my eyes on you and keep my life pure and holy to be used by you. I love you, Lord. Amen"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

God's Valued Possession

S. “…Jerusalem, the city that the Lord has chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there.” 1 Kings 14: 12b

O. It is interesting to see God’s protection and presence in his chosen place and possession. Jerusalem had been set apart for God’s holy dwelling and now he was continuing to protest here. How does this translate for me today? In see it this way – we are God’s precious possessions and we are honored in His sight by His presence in us. God has set me apart to be pure and holy before Him and as I experience God’s provision and blessing, I am drawn closer to Him.

A. I need to see my life and protection by God as a true gift and live and move everyday for His glory.

P. Lord Jesus, Thanks for making me your valued possession. Amen.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Being the Gospel

S. "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel" Philippians 1:27 (ESV)

O. I love the way this reads..."let you manner of life be worthy of the gospel"...that means that anything I do or so needs to be worthy of Jesus Christ and his story...his life...his gospel. But when I think of my life, there are so many times that I haven't done this. This are so many times that I could have done better...could have made another choice...could have taken a different step...could have said something in a different way...but I didn't. Why? Most likely because I was not really aware of how I was making a possible impact on the lives of others. I was acting out of selfish feelings and ambitions. Whether I like it or not, people are watching me every single minute of the day. I must act the say when I know people are looking and when they are not. Simply, my life must reflect Jesus Christ. It is a matter of being the gospel message to others...not just doing something to present the gospel, but allow every fiber of my being to be the gospel for others.

And when I do this and stand with other is a beautiful picture of God's love and unity at work in the church. But I must do my part.

A. Because I know of the importance of being a representative of the gospel, I will live my life in a way that is pleasing to God and is profitable for the gospel.

P. "Lord Jesus, thanks for making me a special person, for redeeming my life in Christ and giving me an opportunity to allow my life to shine for you. Amen."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

God’s Amazing Presence Revealed

S. “I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O LORD, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” Psalms 94:18-19 (NLT)

O. I have always known that God is a refuge for me, but there are times when I experience his presence and love in my life more than others. Yesterday, I had surgery on my back to repair a herniated disc. This has been a recent injury that has caused much pain and disability. I went through all the test and finally decided to have surgery which seemed to be the only way for a full recovery and complete loss of pain. So the date was scheduled…family notified and they all showed up. It is amazing the love that I receive from my family. They are supportive and are always right there when I need them. They truly are part of God’s unfailing love and support to me. And as wonderful as that is for me…it also extends to my church family and friends. One church member was at the hospital before we got there…two friends drove from Ansted, WV to be at the hospital…countless others have been in prayer… all this part of God’s love and support to me. But I also know that God has done a might work in me as well. The past two times I have had surgery, I have had some post-op difficulties. I have prayed and asked people to focus their prayers on this difficulty…long story short…I haven’t had the trouble this time. I can’t tell you how much a relief the surgery has brought be me physically and even emotional. I have a better understanding of what it is like to live in constant pain, but thankful to a doctor and a healing God that this pain is gone!
God’s watch care over my life is amazing to me. He has revealed himself through family, friends, medical staff and more in this time of illness. More than ever, I have experienced his power presence in so many ways. Thanks for the promise of you work…that you would life me up and make me whole. Thanks for fulfilling your promise to me yesterday and everyday.

A. Continue to see and believe the power of God and all that He can do in my life. Continue to look and be aware of God’s work through others around me. Don’t every stop acknowledging the presence of God in my life.

S. “Lord Jesus, yesterday I called out to you and you heard and answered my truly have been my refuge and my peace in life. As I knowledge you, may I reflect your power and love to those who are in my path today and everyday. I love you, Lord” Amen.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Essential Ingredients

S. I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 (ESV)

O. These verses are challenging to me...they contain some very hard instruction for me as a believer and even more so as a pastor. Doing the right things in life is not always easy and will often demand a great deal of energy and concentration to accomplish. Such it is with the list of things Paul commands us to d in this passage. We to grasp what it means to walk in the steps of Jesus every display humility, gentleness, patience and love. What a list...and I must be honest, there are times that I don't live out these qualities in my life. I am not a very patient person, and I know that I need to work on this...that is part of my calling as a pastor and as a husband and father. So why to all these things? I believe it is to show the love and unity of our God...and that will be displayed to others as it is lived out in our lives daily.

A. As I said, I am not the most patience person. I will be aware of how God is teaching me patience and strive to live in all patience.

P. "Lord Jesus, thanks for filling me with your spirit. As your spirit is in me, I know that you can give me all patience, kindness and love. May the world see in me your love displays through my life and the lives of others. Amen."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Knowing God's Love

S. "and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:19 (NIV)

O. The love that God has for us is incredible! It is really hard to human words could ever really make sense to his awesome and complete love for me. But I know God that there is a difference in understanding and being able to articulate God's love and the actual experience of His love. In this passage, Paul says in a prayer that he wants to "know" the love of God. Knowing in the scriptures is a very intimate is a join of two in a bond that will last forever. God's love is completed in us as we open our lives to receive all that he has for us. When this happens, I am filled with the fullness of God. What an awesome reality for me and anyone who knows You love.

A. Rest in God's love for me today...and remember that a love like this is not be be hoarded, but shared with the world!

P. "Lord Jesus, I accept you awesome love for me that you gave on the cross of Calvary. I accept the endless love that comes in my relationship with you. I receive your gift of love today and promise to give your love away, just as you have given it to me. I love you, Lord. Amen."

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Intent on God's Way

S. "I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him." (Ecclesiastes 3:14 ESV)

O. I really love the book of Ecclesiastes...especially the first three chapters. Solomon has looked for meaning in just about every area of, fame, power, love, possessions, time...everywhere, but in the end he finds that all this is meaningless...a waste of time of energy! I think most people could identify with Solomon as some point...trying to find meaning in life in some thing or at some time. What really stands out to me is the timeless truth that without God...nothing will have meaning. God brings a perspective that is not found anywhere else. Who better to make sense of time, and possession and wealth than the one who created all and in whom all is founded. The scripture above is so true...whatever God does will last forever! You could also state this in reverse...whatever man tries to do and whatever man tries to find meaning it will not last. The solution...put the things of God first in your life!

A. While this is easy to right about, it can be hard to implement in this truth into our lives. I want to try to do so many things, I want to accomplish this or that. So the solution for me...put God first...pray, meditate on the opportunities that are before me. Take time to seek the things of God and not my own things.

P. "Lord Jesus, I am blessed with so many good things in my many wonderful opportunities in my ministry. Please keep my life focused and intent upon you in all my days. Amen."

Friday, June 5, 2009

God's Strength

S. "Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. "
Proverbs 30:5 (ESV)

O. I truly believe this verse....that God's word is truth. I can absolutely rely on God's word for guidance, protection, direction, reassurance and lots more. Yesterday...and even today were great times for my in trusting in the truth of God's word. I know that God set before me a clear path before me regarding my decision regarding the issues related to my physical condition (back). The earlier verses in this proverb speak of God majesty and greatness. How he holds the strength of the wind in his hands and that he has established the ends of the earth. Surely if you can hold the wind and water...and form all this land that we have to enjoy, I can trust you to establish my life and guide me through each thought and each decision that I must make.

A. As I am face with decision today, may my mind be so wrapped in your love and peace and be filled with your knowledge. Give me the mind of Jesus each and everyday.

P. "Lord Jesus, I came to you today with complete trust in who you are. I acknowledge you presence in my life and your guidance to see me through each and every day. I take my stand in you and walk hand in hand through this day. Thank you for loving me today and everyday! Amen."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Encouraging Others

S. "Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them." Romans 16:3-4 (NIV)

O. What impressed me this morning in my reading was the personal nature of Paul's ministry. Most of the time when I think of Paul, I think of the big things that he accomplished...several extensive trips through Asia, starting many churches, being a leader among the Apostles, etc. I was impressed that in this letter to the Roman Christians, this letter filled with great doctrinal truth about Jesus Christ and the church, he stopped and encouraged individuals. He named 16 different people and specifically said a word of encouragement to them. Can you imagine how they felt when this letter was read? "Paul saw the work that I was doing for God!" "Wow, he remembered me!"

I think that encouragement in my ministry and in the church is extremely important. I think we have a biblical example of the power of encouragement. Encouragement will take us a long way.

A. I will be conscience of my words of encouragement today to my family and others around me.

P. "Lord Jesus, I give you my heart, my life and my soul. Be in every thought that I have, every word I speak and every action of my hands and feet. Amen."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Unnecessary Quarrels

S. "As charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife."
Proverbs 26:21 (ESV)

O. I argue too much with people close to me...this is especially true with my family. And most of the time when I look back on the disagreements or arguments, they are over petty things. What to wear, what to do, when to do things. I am always wanting to get things accomplished and in that, I feel that I have caused striff in my family at time when it didn't need to be there. So the question will I approach the future with the truth of this scripture and the experience of my past. It is no good if I just read the word and never apply it to my life...once again I am faced with a choice to do what is wrong or right. Life is just full of choices!

A. The next time I feel like starting an argument about some little thing at home, I will stop and consider how important it really is. Is it worth the fight? Is it worth the tension?

P. "Lord Jesus, part of the truth of your word helps me to live life in a freeing way...a way that allows the Holy Spirit to move in my life and enjoy the moments of life around me. May your Spirit lead me in the truth of your Word...always. Amen"

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pursue Peace

S. "So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another."
Romans 14:19 (NASB)

O. I am struck by the simple call to like in unity and in uplifting one another...but in reality, there seems to always be struggles to maintain peace and balance and a positive atmosphere in homes, work places, schools and churches. There are time in my life when I don't let peace rule and where I haven't "pursued" peace like I should have. And just as bad are the times that would rather tear someone down with my words rather than build them up. Why do I do these things that I know are wrong? I really don't know, but I do know this...that I have a power that is greater than the power of the world in my life through the presence of Jesus Christ. I have a power available to me that will lead me in the right way to live. You see, I have a acknowledge God's presence in me and allow him to lead my life in peace and unity with those around me...or to do the opposite...Life is about the choices we make.

A. Today I have been and will continue to be very intentional about what comes out of my mouth to my family and others. I will speak words of encouragement and pursue peace in relationships around me.

P. "Lord Jesus, thank you for the peace you offer to me through your shed blood on Calvary. I claim your peace in my heart and will pass that same peace to others in my life. Be all of me...for your glory and honor. Amen."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Being a Person of Love and Righteousness

S. "Clean living before God and justice with our neighbors mean far more to God than religious performance." Proverbs 21:3 (TMSG)

O. This is a timeless message that God has given to his people throughout the ages. God is more concerned with how we live with him in our lives, than he is in doing the right things religiously. Growing up in church was fro me is a rich blessing. I can't every remember a time when I was not in church. I know all the right things to do as a church...I have studied about the church, I have experienced church and I have desire to lead the church. But my religious performance (what I would consider...the things that I do for and at church) is not the main concern...and too many time it is the ONLY concern of Christians. And most of all for me. I have to remember that my relationship with Jesus Christ is first priority and then my love of other people is next. God commissioned the early church to think this way...not to all the church stuff first and then when you left over time make sure you are living God before you neighbors! My priority needs to be on those around me who don't know Jesus Christ...those who need aren't in church anywhere, showering them with the love and care that only God can work through me.

A. There is a big different in knowing about this truth and doing it! Being aware and stopping at times to make sure that I have the right priorities is a must.

P. "Lord Jesus, I am so grateful for this day you have given to me. A day when I can love you and serve you. I just that today I will be a constant source of love and goodness to those around me. That I would allow your love to transform me and be transfered to those around me. May the church do the same as we seek to be more and more like you. I love you...Amen"