Tuesday, February 16, 2010


S. "Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 26:1, NIV)

O. The instructions that God gave to the people of Israel were very clear…they were to only worship God. But through their existence they struggled to keep this simple rule. Even when they had been removed from the captivity of the Egyptians…watching God do miraculous things to bring about their freedom…they made idols and began to worship them. Most of the time I don't think that make idols, but when I closely examine my life, there are times that I do see that I put other things before God. For instance, it would be easy for me to put my physical body and physical training before God…to pay more attention and give my allegiance to training my body over training my mind. But I must keep my relationship with God as top priority in my life. I have struggled with this for years, but I can say with some confidence that I am in a better place of prioritizing my life spiritually than in the past. I still struggle, but I think that I am at least on the right track.

A. My life will only be in balance if I give my total allegiance to God. I will begin my days spending time with God…I will set to prioritize my life with God at the top…I will surrender to God daily!

P. God, I want to only put you first in my life. Give me eyes to see the idols that I am making that stand in the way of my relationship with you. Give me the strength and power to overcome the pull of other idols and allow me to place you at the front/top of my life. Amen.

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