Thursday, October 28, 2010

God's Sovereign Plan

S. I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; (Job 19:25-26, NIV)

O. I absolutely love this verse. Job speaks these words as he is at the very pit of despair. He has lost everything of worldly significance and has been left physical, emotional and spiritual depravity. Yet in these lowest of moments in his life he cries out..."I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth." Powerful words of understanding God's sovereign control of our lives and God's ultimate purpose and plan for our lives. How different is this response from so many people. Most will turn from God and blame God for the calamity that comes in their lives...some will curse God and turn away from the very source of life. Others will just rest in their mess and say poor me.

Job's word's are full of hope and promise in a God will bring fulfillment and restoration to life in every aspect. They are words of hope in what can be...words that reflect the goodness of God and his ultimate plan to continue and maintain a relationship with him.

A. For me the application is simple...I know that God desires a relationship with me and even in the times when life is filled with moments that seem wrong to me...even in those times with I would rather stay in self-pity, I need to look to my God and claim His purpose and plan for my life...claim his sovereign rule and reign over my life...and I need to live in a surrendered state all my days.

P. Lord, thank you for being my everything...for giving me purpose for all my days. I trust in you for all that you are and for all that you have set in place for me each and every day. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this verse too. I love it because it shows a faith that is defiant. It refuses to give in to circumstances and feelings.

    I've seen this in action. I once attended a funeral of a little girl who had attended school with my daughter. She and her father were killed rather violently when their car crashed on the interstate and caught fire. They were two very gentle and kind Christian people who made a positive difference in the world. At their funeral, a group of people sang. They turned their faces to heaven and even though we all wanted to give into the pain they sang Worthy Is The Lord To Be Praised. That is defiant faith.

    Its so unique in this world and even among many believers. I've wondered what makes a person able to have an attitude like Job or like those people at the funeral. I think I'm slowly figuring it out.

    I think this can only happen when we live every day of our lives with the simple understanding that God is present. In our minds we so often distance Him from the everyday. And yet His presence surrounds me as I type or as I grocery shop or drive. He surrounds me and is deeply involved in every aspect of my life whether good or bad or just ordinary. Now some people say that sure God cares about Humanity but he doesn't concern Himself with the day to day concerns of our lives. Scripture would disagree.

    If I live every day practicing the understanding of His presence and involvement in my everyday then its not a big leap when troubles come to know He is there to help me. After all I have confidence HE'S BEEN THERE ALL ALONG.
