Friday, May 29, 2009

Being a Blessing

S. "Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered." Proverbs 11:25 (ESV)

O. There is great power in what we offer to people through our lives. I am constantly reminded of how much of me goes out to other people. I truly have been blessed by so many people in my life. And it is my prayer that I will in turn be a blessing to others along the way. But I must say that I struggle with being a blessing and watering some people. It grieves my heart that I do this and I know that I have the power to change this...I just need to be more and more aware of what I am doing and how I am approaching some people in my life. Perhaps it is selfishness creeping into my life that keeps me from doing what is right. I must say, that I am tired of being this way and need to change.

I need to be careful that my motive is not to receive the blessing. My motive to bless others is out of love...for all that I do must be done in love. The enrichment and watering that are received in being blessing is the added bonus to living a joy filled life in Christ and by allowing that relationship to spill over to all the other relationship where I need to be more of a blessing!

A. Knowing that I have work to do in this area, I must rely on the strength that only God can give to me to accomplish a renewing and strengthening of these relationship. I must keep my eyes on Jesus and love others and bless others unconditionally as God has loved me in Jesus Christ.

P. "Lord Jesus, I open my life to be your vessel to the world around. Let me show love and gratitude and showering blessings on all people that come into contact with, church friends, whoever. I go in your strength and in your name to be a blessing to the world. Amen"

1 comment:

  1. we all have times in our lives where we are down and out...and need others to water us (thru Christ) to get us going again..And there are cycles where we want to shower someone else with blessings b/c we are feeling so blessed. Makes me think of that gospel hymn I grew up with....
    There shall be showers of blessing:
    This is the promise of love;
    There shall be seasons refreshing,
    Sent from the Savior above.
    Showers of blessing,
    Showers of blessing we need:
    Mercy drops round us are falling,
    But for the showers we plead.
