Friday, June 19, 2009

Confronting in Love

S. "The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 Timothy 1: 5

O. Timothy has a difficult "charge" from the apostle Paul. It was to face head on those who were teaching other doctrines than that of Jesus Christ. They were into all kinds of false teaching and he was to stop them. I am not one that likes any kind of confrontation. I would rather that everyone get along and agree. But we are humans and there will be time when I must confront another about something that is wrong. I love Paul's advice. Don't be abrasive and rude...don't let anger get the best of you...don't water down the truth of what the need to, his advice is centered on the core response of that the gospels teach about...LOVE. The goal of confrontation is LOVE and needs to remain the goal even when things get rough and tough. This is agape love...not just a love that feels right or is on the surface...this is a love that is sacrifice and sees through tough is pure and from the heart.

I also know that this love and any kind of confrontation must be done with a clear conscience. It must be done with the best for the other person on mind and not out of selfish motives. This kind of love is hard, but with a sincere faith in Jesus Christ, I know that anything is possible and doable because of the strength he gives.

A. I need to approach some people in love and sincerity about some things that I am involved with at church. Nothing major...just coming from my heart about the truth of God's Word.

P. "Lord Jesus, give me the faith to step out in the midst of your presence and do all that I must do. Let me do it all in love and in your might name. Amen"

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