Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spiritual Growth That Will Last

S. "Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, "As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down."
Luke 21:5-6(NIV)

O. So many times I have read these verses and just focused on the gift of the widow who put all her money in the temple treasure. She was an example of sacrificial giving that the others were not participating in…they were giving, but not sacrificially. These verses popped out at me this morning…some of these who had been watching and the widow and hearing Jesus reaction to this scene and his teaching about giving spoke from a material mindset. They began to talk about the beauty of the temple and the elegance of the gifts that were presented. They were still enamored by the physical temple and not the temple that God was building in them…Jesus said, this temple will be destroyed, but continued to speak and teach of the kingdom of God that had come that would be in them. I have always believed that the church can get too caught up in the physical building we call the church…to the neglect of the real church, the people of God and the kingdom of God that is in the people and is waiting to grow and be completed in the people of God. This can be try of the physical body…we can get caught up in only keeping physically fit and neglect the more important spiritual fitness that will endure to the end. Keeping a focus on the spiritual in our church and personal lives is the most important thing we could do!

A. As much as I have been focusing on my physical body the past few months, I want to make sure that my spiritual growth is held in balance. I will continue to devote time every day to God and listening to His voice…I will continue to keep my spiritual life strong!

P. Lord, you have given everything! I am so grateful for this…Please accept my live and body to be used for your glory. I give my role as pastor to you and ask that you give me strength to lead with vision, integrity and joy in my life. Let me be an example of living a balance spiritual and physically fit life before my congregation. I offer my life to you today! Amen

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