Thursday, January 7, 2010

Who Sustains Me?

S. "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. (Psalms 3:5, NIV)

O. I love this is so simple but speaks so much...I sleep and I rise all because the Lord sustains me. It is not me that gets things accomplished in this is the Lord. It is God who gives me rest and refreshment each night...even when I don't sleep well. It is the Lord who sustains me now and always!
What more can I say. I must take care of my body and honor God with all that I do, but I must also trust in His provision and will for my life.

A. Tonight when I lay down to sleep I will remember God's faithfulness to sustain my life. I will rest in His care and ask him to clear my heart and mind to receive His grace and strength for my life.

P. Lord, thank you for being my all in all. Thanks for all that you give to me, today and always! Amen

1 comment:

  1. The Bible can seem so simple and yet it is so profound. I really enjoy doing soap journaling because most are using the same reading schedule and it is great to see what others glean.

    When I awake tomorrow morning I will also thank Him for sustaining me through the night.
