Monday, August 2, 2010

Following My Example

S. "He did what was evil in the Lord 's sight, just as his father, Manasseh, had done.
 He followed the example of his father, worshiping the same idols his father had worshiped
" (2 Kings 21: 20-21)

O. Yesterday, I had one of the most amazing experiences. I got to hear my two older boys on the radio with their band Torn in Two. They were invited to play live on a local station and all of them did an excellent job. After they were finished, Blake and Luke decided to stay and assist the DJ, Drew Damron, with the Prayer Hour. Drew was not feeling well and they wanted to help him out. When all was said and done, my heart was filled with pride for the witness they were to our community, but more so for the way their hearts are being formed by God. When I read this scripture, I was just reminded of the powerful influence we have on our children. Amon became king when he was 22 years old. His father Manasseh reigned in Jerusalem for 55 years and did evil in the sight of God. The phrase, "He followed the example of his father" was the phrase that hit me today. What kind of example am I giving to my sons? I don't claim to be the best father in the world…believe me, I have made plenty of mistakes. I am reminded this morning that much of what my boys become will be determined by the example that I set before them. When I think about my father and the love he has shown and the example he has been to me through the years, I am thankful for his faithful walk with God and his consistent life before men. I am humbled by the thought of my boys following my example and truly what that example to be one that honors Jesus Christ in every way.

A. What kind of legacy am I leaving for my boys? What will I do today to build them up in the Lord? What will do today that will have a lasting impact on their lives? These are the questions that must be part of my daily life. I must take day after day the awesome responsibility of living in committed Christian life before them. What is huge task!

P. Lord Jesus, I want to see my boys grow to be your servants. I am seeing the fruit of their relationship with you and what to be a major influence and example in their lives. I commit to live for you today and to love them with your love each day. I love you, Lord. Amen

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